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  1. I'm sorry guys, I am no longer going to post strats to help the community. I have no wish to deal with people who cry about their worthless scripts that have been used and amended over and over by different content creators. Good luck to everyone.
  2. Instead of ranting, just amend the script for the community to use. The original script was worthless without a strategy being built into it.
  3. I started wagering with 0.01 BCD and wagered it to over 1 BCD. You can use the wager script for profits.
  4. I have adjusted the conditions.. I am testing... started here with a really low balance of less than a dollar - 0.011 LTC betting the minimum. So far it handled 8 losses comfortably... but I will leave it to run and see how it goes. I hate these graphs on BC cos you can't see where the massive dips are.
  5. This doesn't look right... can you show me the rest of your settings please?
  6. Make sure you have the increase on loss and increase on win selected. When it reaches a certain loss level it increases your bet by 2.5% and the same with the payout. So as losses occur these will increase.. as soon as you hit profit target the bet and payout resets... this keeps the strategy running indefinitely. Let me know if you still have issues. And send me a screenshot so that I can help you.
  7. Hi.. Well if you are going to go with 100 euros/dollars, make your basebet for a start 0.001 instead of 0.0001. If you are using BCD then 0.001 would be a good start for your balance. It gives you enough room to endure the 8/9 losses. Now you can bet the minimum which is 0.0001 and set the payout to 1.8, that will of course improve your profits. How this strategy works is you go with the minimum and you can up your payout or you stay at the current payout and increase your bet. I normally stay at the 1.6, it works for me. The highest I went is 1.7, which is also not bad. It endures. Keep it at 1.6, set your basebet to 0.001, if that runs well and you encounter the 8-9 losses, take note of what amount was bet at that stage. If you have the more than adequate in the balance, you can up your bet to 0.01. Scenario 1. bb 0.0001, keep the strat as is. Scenario 2. bb 0.001, keep the strat as is. Scenario3. bb 0.01, change the first condition to 2 from 2.5. Keep everything else the same Scenario 4. increase the payout to 1.7 or 1.8, bb 0.01, set the first condition to 1.8. Remember to change the payout in the script from 1.6 to 1.7 or 1.8. Change is here if (config.onWin.value === 'reset') {currentBet = config.bet.value;config.payout.value =1.6098; } else { currentBet *= config.winMultiplier.value; as well as here var maximumPayout = 1.65; // Set your desired minimum payout value here A tip would be nice.. go to the chat, type @Altrea Pendragon and you will see /.. below the chat message box.. that's how you can send tips to anyone you want. Please let me know how you get on. PS.. i saw someone asked about restarting a script in previous thread.. I'll look it up and get back to you on those timeouts.
  8. Hi there Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it. I caught 9 losses in a row with it. 0.1 of your 100 euro balance was really too high. I recommended 0.01 for 100 usd. I'm so sorry you went with 0.1. I recommend the basebet so that's the lowest just to be safe. The strategy goes up to 17 losses if you had the payout set at 1.98 (very aggressive but madly profitable, like thousands of dollars a day). That requires a very good balance to endure that loss at that payout. Unfortunately the base bets here at BC Game are are very much higher than the other site where I use the strategy. I play at the other site with 0.01 LTC in the balance and my basebet at 0,00000025 and I have only busted once when I had my base bet set to 0,000001.. at the lower level, it runs extremely well and profitable. Here's my recommendation to reduce the losses and endure say a 9 streak loss... the very first condition where it is set to multiply the basebet by 2,5 (150%), you can reduce that to 2 (100%) or to make it even safer to 1.8 (80%). This way it can continuously run in profit without you encountering the bust. Give it a try and let me know what works for you. In the meantime, I will look at adjusting how the payout reduces to see if it can be improved. Again, very grateful for the feedback. It is much appreciated.
  9. Guys if you are unable to change your base bet, I'll post a fix later.
  10. Cool... just take it lowest base bet...
  11. Hi there... you are most welcome. If you want to increase your basebet, simply change the multiply basebet by. Current it is set to 1 so it will be the minimum, if you make it 1.5, it will bet 0.00015, 2 will make it 0.0002 and so on.. The losses before minimum bet range is say you only want to roll for 4 losses, then have it bet the minimum amount until a win occurs, it can do that. It will tally up your losses and make your next bet after a win that tally amount. What I have found it will initially work and you can roll perhaps that condition twice in a row, so you will bet and lose 4 times, then it will bet the minimum, it will then return a win which is at the minimum, it will then roll 4 losses again, and the condition executes again.. and then can go on for say 2 or more times. So the AI can aggressively executive that condition 3-4 times in a row, meaning you could end up with 16 - 20 losses instead of say maybe 7-8. It's there for those that want to take a chance with it Sometimes I have been lucky with it, other times a complete bust using it. I hope that you find some success with it! Please let me know how you get on with it. If you have a balance of 100 usd, you can bet 0.01c (just use the multiply basebet by to bring up the value of your basebet. I say start low and see how it goes and if you feel comfortable increase your basebet.
  12. This is one of my better scripts I have to say... . Converted it to LTC... let me see if I can run it up. It you were the person that tipped me, massive thanks for the appreciation.
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