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  1. You nasty thieving pieces of cheating shit! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!? YOU BETTER WATCH YOUR ASSES CUZ MY COUNTRY COULD ANNIHILATE YOU BASTARDS WITH WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION IN A FUCKING INSTANT! DONT FUCK WITH AMERICANS YOU LITTLE BITCHES! The cheating bullshit better fucking cease you ugly small dicked little faggots! You best be giving our money back you little faggots unfairly took!
  2. Who the fuck do you think you are bc.game? Just to let you asshole administrators and mods know, eventually i will be creating an affiliate website. One of which i will promote many casinos NOT including yours! In fact i plan on taking ur marketing and altering it with Photoshop to show opposition to your site! And i really dont care if you approve of it or not! What the hell can u possibly do about it!? NOT A DAMN THING! CUZ THEN IT WILL ALL COME OUT TO HAVE YOUR ASSES INVESTIGATED FOR SCAMS AND FRAUD! You bitches have signed your own death warrants!
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