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You think you're so slick... BUT YOURE NOT!


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You assholes need to be brought down. Seriously! Youve broken so many rules of probability, lied to everyone so consistently, and try to make fools out of everyone on here. when I look at the leader boards and sees that someone in one day wagers over $10million, that has to be the biggest bunch of fucking bullshit I have ever seen! NO ONE HAS DISPOSABLE INCOME OF THAT SIZE! And if they did I'm sure they wouldn't be wasting it all here!! Give us a break already and GET RID OF THE FUCKING BOTS YOU PLANTED ON THIS SITE YOU SCAM ARTIST PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT! YOU DESERVE TO CATCH CANCER OF THE BRAIN AND DIE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY! 

When I also sit here for 6 hours trying to build link coin and cant get past 1.5 coin and then you cocksuckers snatch it all, THAT RIGHT THERE SHOWS MORE SCAM ARTIST SHIT! YOU NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN! AND NEVER ALLOWED TO REOPEN! YOU HAVE ALTERED SHIT WAY TO MUCH AND KEEP DOWMSIZING BONUS TO OBTAIN MORE MORE MORE! WHEN IS ENOUGH ACTUALLY GOING TO BE ENOUGH! Fuck you BC.Game! I hope you choke on your next meal!

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On 12/5/2022 at 11:51 AM, BitcoinBossGuy said:

You assholes need to be brought down. Seriously! Youve broken so many rules of probability, lied to everyone so consistently, and try to make fools out of everyone on here. when I look at the leader boards and sees that someone in one day wagers over $10million, that has to be the biggest bunch of fucking bullshit I have ever seen! NO ONE HAS DISPOSABLE INCOME OF THAT SIZE! And if they did I'm sure they wouldn't be wasting it all here!! Give us a break already and GET RID OF THE FUCKING BOTS YOU PLANTED ON THIS SITE YOU SCAM ARTIST PIECES OF FUCKING SHIT! YOU DESERVE TO CATCH CANCER OF THE BRAIN AND DIE SLOWLY AND PAINFULLY! 

When I also sit here for 6 hours trying to build link coin and cant get past 1.5 coin and then you cocksuckers snatch it all, THAT RIGHT THERE SHOWS MORE SCAM ARTIST SHIT! YOU NEED TO BE SHUT DOWN! AND NEVER ALLOWED TO REOPEN! YOU HAVE ALTERED SHIT WAY TO MUCH AND KEEP DOWMSIZING BONUS TO OBTAIN MORE MORE MORE! WHEN IS ENOUGH ACTUALLY GOING TO BE ENOUGH! Fuck you BC.Game! I hope you choke on your next meal!

Hello, thank you for your review, you can verify bets you placed on our original games. Our games are provably fair. 

About leaderboard, well wager 10 million USD a day is possible as we allow up to 1 000 000 BCD bet, is player decision which budget he use. You never know what budget other players have and what amounts they want to gamble. If you will have 10 million USD or you already have it, you can decide what you wish to do with it the same as others. 

We offer a lot of bonuses, which you can get depending on your game play activity.

Please remember to always gamble responsible.

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8 hours ago, BCGame_Ewa said:

Xin chào, cảm ơn bạn đã đánh giá, bạn có thể xác minh các cược bạn đã đặt trên các trò chơi gốc của chúng tôi. Trò chơi của chúng tôi được chứng minh là công bằng. 

Về bảng xếp hạng, bạn có thể đặt cược 10 triệu USD một ngày vì chúng tôi cho phép đặt cược tới 1 000 000 BCD, tùy thuộc vào quyết định của người chơi về ngân sách mà anh ta sử dụng. Bạn không bao giờ biết những người chơi khác có ngân sách bao nhiêu và họ muốn đánh bạc bao nhiêu tiền. Nếu bạn có 10 triệu USD hoặc bạn đã có nó, bạn có thể quyết định những gì bạn muốn làm với nó giống như những người khác. 

Chúng tôi cung cấp rất nhiều phần thưởng mà bạn có thể nhận được tùy thuộc vào hoạt động chơi trò chơi của mình.

Hãy nhớ luôn đánh bạc có trách nhiệm.


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Tak Čo sa stane s jedovatým hadom,Ked sa omylom uštkne do nohy🤮

16 hours ago, BCGame_Ewa said:

Dobrý den, děkujeme za Vaši recenzi, můžete si ověřit sázky, které jste uzavřeli na naše původní hry. Naše hry jsou prokazatelně férové. 

Co se týče žebříčku, vsadit 10 milionů USD denně je možné, protože povolujeme sázku až 1 000 000 BCD, je rozhodnutí hráče, jaký rozpočet použije. Nikdy nevíte, jaký rozpočet mají ostatní hráči a jaké částky chtějí hrát. Pokud budete mít 10 milionů USD nebo je již máte, můžete se rozhodnout, co s nimi chcete udělat, stejně jako ostatní. 

Nabízíme spoustu bonusů, které můžete získat v závislosti na vaší herní aktivitě.

Prosím, pamatujte na to, abyste vždy sázeli zodpovědně.

Čau čau tě,,dnes jsem se dostal poprvé a vím, že tohle není jednoduché ale podle mě poznáte, jaký tedy může být člověk i když jen s malým množstvím  a převodu peněz ZMR**D,,,,je zde hodně falešných lidí kteří nás okradaji

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19 hours ago, BCGame_Ewa said:

Hello, thank you for your review, you can verify bets you placed on our original games. Our games are provably fair. 

About leaderboard, well wager 10 million USD a day is possible as we allow up to 1 000 000 BCD bet, is player decision which budget he use. You never know what budget other players have and what amounts they want to gamble. If you will have 10 million USD or you already have it, you can decide what you wish to do with it the same as others. 

We offer a lot of bonuses, which you can get depending on your game play activity.

Please remember to always gamble responsible.

no one wagers 10 million in a day.
I've never seen anyone make 1 million on 1 bet here either!
The top winners are often accounts that are new or recently created and after that you never see them again.
I don't want to say that they are fakes, but there's definitely a lot going wrong here!
If someone has the money they would play in a real casino.
But that's just my opinion because I have the money and never would especially not here.
A casino that begs for new registrations etc. is strange, but it always scares active gamers in droves to other casinos

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On 12/10/2022 at 6:59 AM, BCGame_Ewa said:

Hello, thank you for your review, you can verify bets you placed on our original games. Our games are provably fair. 

About leaderboard, well wager 10 million USD a day is possible as we allow up to 1 000 000 BCD bet, is player decision which budget he use. You never know what budget other players have and what amounts they want to gamble. If you will have 10 million USD or you already have it, you can decide what you wish to do with it the same as others. 

We offer a lot of bonuses, which you can get depending on your game play activity.

Please remember to always gamble responsible.


I should've expected some kind of a moron vague answer from a douchebag  like yourself! All u did was avoid anything I said you cheap piece of dog shit !!! Again, NO ONE has disposable income that size or 10 million dollars just sitting around waiting to be spent you fucking retard! Get a fucking clue you dumbass piece of shit and go choke on ur next meal! Dumbass motherfucker!

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